Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days

I have increased my productivity at work. I am proud of it. I don't think I was being lazy or inefficient before but I've improved. I have been able to focus and accomplish tasks faster than before. All this being said, my workload has more than doubled. I am the Events Coordinator and Systems Administrator for USU Campus Recreation. I schedule all the recreational buildings on campus (HPER, Fieldhouse and, outdoor playing fields, QUAD included). I manage all of the computers in our department. I also manage our recreation management software, "Fusion".

One reason my workload has jumped so quickly is the various parts of Campus Recreation trying to start use it more, all at once. Intramurals, Club Sports, the Hockey team, general facility access, and I am even moving all the event coordination functions to this software. I have to balance preping new hardware, troubleshooting existing hardware, and hardest of all, helping staff use it all.

All in all, I really enjoy my job. It is challenging and fulfilling. My next work-related accomplishment will be better estimating the time it will take to do some of these things. I often have to work outside of business hours when the computers aren't in use. With no one there to distract me, I loose track of time quickly while getting so much done. I will be better.

Up Next: Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

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