Tuesday, July 28, 2009

9628-9704 MPH – Pooh Bear

During the last week in June and the first of July, we broke out our new baby equipment. It was way fun. We got a Pooh Bear plush from Disneyland that we’ve been using as a fill-in for our baby until she comes.

Baby 001

This is the playard that we got. It packs up into a very portable system. It has a changing table built in as well as a basinet. Both remove to create a raised playpen. The playpen even drops down all the way to the bottom. Its a pretty awesome deal.

 Baby 002

Close up of the basinet. You can see the electronics that have nature sounds, classical music, a small light, and a vibrating unit to soothe baby…or Pooh.

Baby 003

Cool swing! It has music, nature sounds, and vibrating seat. It is electrically powered and also transforms into….

 Baby 004

A  bouncer. The same seat pulls out and becomes a portable bouncer. We have such cool stuff!

Baby 003

Here is our car seat. Pooh is a bit big for it but you get the idea.  You may have noticed that all of these items have the same polka-dotted and striped pattern. All five pieces match. The car seat is built to latch into the stroller too.

Baby 001

See, in the stroller. Facing backwards so Pooh can see who’s pushing.

 Baby 002

For when Pooh grows up, it also is a standard stroller too.

Baby 001

Now onto the crib. It is a Pooh Bear crib and not just because Pooh is in it or there is a Pooh mobile…

  Baby 002

It has Pooh Bear sheets, quilt, etc. and actually has Pooh on the actual crib on the left side you cant see right now. It’s cute. The changing table matches too. The theme is called Peek-a-Pooh. The changing table came in a box labeled, “Pooh Changing Table.” *laughing*

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word that is awesome! I never had stuff like that and never will. Wow! Super cute and what a lucky little princess, or Pooh. He he
